Flows were low and clear. Fishing was tough and the start of the morning seemed to foreshadow an epic skunking. Typically, Gore Creek which flows through Vail, Colorado is a fun and easy creek to fly fish on for wild brook and cutthroat trout.
This day was not that easy, but after moving upstream, changing flies a few times and finding some deeper, more riffled water, I started to produce a few nicer cutthroats. This creek definitely has a nice mix of cutthroats and brookies and from what I have seen, brown and rainbow trout as well. Probably a nice spot to shoot for a Colorado trout grand slam.
The day ended up nice enough to attempt a return a week later. Trying the same flies again without as much luck, I realized that the season was basically running down. The golden Aspen leaves, although beautiful, signaled fall, and this the last day of Summer told me that I was pushing my luck on the mountain streams.

Sadly, this single small fish was likely my last fish of 2016. Like most of us, I didn't get out as much as I would have liked, but that makes me appreciate the days I did get out and the memories I was able to make this year so much more. I am definitely looking forward to next year. Winter fly tying and maybe the random days out on a tail water will have to suffice until then. Happy Fall Everyone!